Creativity is a personal expression of the heart and as we allow ourselves to embrace and express our creativity, we can release healing and breakthrough in our own lives
— Froyle Davies


The old Orama Woolshed has been renovated into an amazing Art Studio. This space offers creative opportunities for Artists of Faith, Artists in Residence, Guests and Friends of Orama, those coming to Orama for respite, team building, local Artists, and the Aotea community.


A place and space for Artists of Faith wanting to get away, get inspired, find some space, and be inspired by our surroundings at Orama.

  • 2-4 week residency

  • Scheduled Private space in the studio available each day (worked around any bookings)

(All Artists are to pay for their own transportation to and from Orama, Great Barrier Island)

For further information, please contact Jo McQuoid (Art Director) on

Initiatives for 2024 and beyond

Art Trails - watch this space

Programmes/Workshops we are looking at facilitating

Some of the styles and techniques that we are planning to facilitate at Orama in our Programmes and Workshop sessions:

  • Sketching and drawing

  • Acrylic Pouring

  • Acrylic Painting

  • Watercolours

  • Expressive arts therapy: for Trauma, Stress, Cognitive disorders, Anxiety

  • Visual art installation

  • Oils

  • Pastels

  • Collage/Mix Media

  • Printing

  • Landscapes

  • Portraits

  • Still life

  • School holiday art sessions for Primary, Middle School and Senior Students

  • Impasto (example Vincent van Gogh – using thick layers of paint)

  • Plein-air painting (go out into the environment using a board or easel)

  • Basic clay work

  • And many other forms, styles and techniques of art


When we create something truly authentic from our own self and we can say, ‘Hey I like that’, we are affirming our own value and this has deep impact on how we view ourselves and the world around us.

Your art can become a divine conversation, where you meet with the Holy Spirit and co-labour to create, dream, release healing and experience how much He truly loves you.


The workshops engage participants in a journey of what hope looks like for them. They use mixed-media collage as a vehicle to inspire well-being, BODY, SOUL, and SPIRIT through the creative process.

These workshops are designed to encourage a positive sense of identity, self-worth and help relieve stress and anxiety, as each person creates from their own individual expression. No experience is necessary, all materials will be supplied and each participant leaves the day with a finished art piece.

Using the style of abstract expressionism, it is about the process of the creating. The development of the art comes with the journey of creating it. It’s not about what you see, but rather what you feel and it is creating from the heart.

These Creative Workshops cater to all sectors of the community.

The format of these workshops has been developed by contemporary visual artist Froyle Davies.

These workshops will be run as One Day Art Retreats, as part of an event, and/or tailored as the need arises.

“Your art can become a divine conversation, where you meet with the Holy Spirit and co-labour to create and experience how much He truly loves you.”

Art Sozo Workshops


Art Sozo enables you to connect your emotions to the heart of God and allow His healing to take place. The activity of painting helps to bypass roadblocks and allow God's truth to shine through on canvas and speak deeply into hearts. No art experience is necessary to be able to enjoy Art Sozo.

The Art Sozo Workshop is a group workshop where participants are led through a series of painting activities to help them encounter the Godhead. Each activity builds upon the last to provide an atmosphere of vulnerability and safety as part of the process is sharing the art pieces with the others in their table group.

No art experience is necessary as this is encounter art and it is more about the process than the end product. During our workshops, we find many have deep breakthrough as the process of doing art bypasses logical defenses and can access areas needing healing that have not been touched before.


  • COST PER PERSON:   $45 (to cover art materials)

  • GROUP SIZE: 2 - 6 People

Art Sozo facilitator and Mix media artist - Treena Salthouse. 

Treena has a passion for bringing freedom and connection to God through Art.  This led her to undertake Art Sozo training from Gail Spooner the Pastoral Counselor at Bethel Transformation Center and founder of Art Sozo. Treena has run and helped facilitate a number of creative and well-being workshops throughout New Zealand and Australia and was the founder of the Beautiful Courageous You and Be You Women events that have been held in New Zealand and Australia.


Thanks to the fantastic folk at MMM and support from the Great Barrier Local Board, the old woolshed has started its transformation into a Creative Arts studio. It will be affectionately named The Woolshed Studio. We hope it will be a creative space for many Artisians of all genres for many years to come.

Can you HELP?

Would you consider giving to help us to resource the Woolshed Art Studio? This will help us to get the practical equipment; tables, chairs, easels, canvas, paper, cupboards for storage, brushes, paints, pastels, clay, etc. We are also very open to donations and gifts of equipment, in good condition and in working order.

The old woolshed is now 98.99% renovated into an amazing studio filled with natural light, soon to be an incredible cathedral of creative expression for:

  • Healing through Art Therapy -Programmes/workshops.

  • Wellbeing

  • Respite - Anxiety, Depression, Addictions

  • Orama Guests & Groups

  • Orama Community

  • Artists of faith

  • Artist Residency Programme

  • Guest Artist weekends/week sessions

  • Prophetic Art

  • Music & Song Writing/Poetry retreats