Come and step aside

Let Jesus reinforce and deepen your foundations in Him

The Orama Spiritual Formation School (SFS) is a 3-month discipleship school based on beautiful Aotea, Great Barrier Island.

Our vision is to raise up disciples of Jesus. In a culture of distraction, burnout, and spiritual fatigue, our heart is to empower sons and daughters to stay with Jesus for the long-haul. SFS was created to tend to our inner life, to build spiritual resilience, to learn to walk in emotional health, and stay connected to God in every season.

Dates: 10 March - 30 May 2025

  • SFS comprises of 1 module a week for 12 weeks, taught by a variety of teachers across Aotearoa.

    View the full curriculum >

  • SFS students learn from some of Aotearoa’s most gifted teachers, each bringing rich spiritual truth.

    Meet the teachers >

  • Accommodation and pricing is included in your tuition cost.

    Learn more >

  • Hear from some of our past SFS students and learn what you should come!

    Learn more >

Can’t attend the full school?
Register for a module (onsite or zoom) >

School Curriculum 2025

SFS comprises of 1 module a week for 12 weeks.

Note: Curriculum can be subject to change

  • Module 1
    10-14 March: Jacinda Lilly

    Module 2
    17-21 March: Strahan Coleman

    Deepening the devotional life by practicing the way of Jesus. Developing a more resilient faith by exploring and establishing spiritual rhythms of prayer, silence and solitude, Sabbath, biblical meditation. Developing a rule of life.

    We are stoked and privileged to have Strahan Coleman and Jacinda Lilly come and explore Spiritual Formation with us.

  • Module 3
    24-28 March, Geoff Woodcock

    Module 4
    31 March-4 April: Francoise Plummer

    Understanding our identity is fundamental to all that we are as human. Are we being intentional with allowing Christ to shape that identity? Or are we being shaped by a dominant world culture that desires to mould us into its own image? We explore what it means to be ‘in’ Christ? Why is that important? How does it form how we see ourselves and how we interact with the world around us.

    Geoff Woodcock and Francoise Plummer will be taking us through what I believe to be one of the most critical topics of our day - Identity.

  • Module 5
    7-11 April: Dean McQuoid

    In a truth challenged, lie saturated, increasingly polarized world, how do we tend to our inner life and build spiritual resilience that will keep us walking with Jesus through every season?
    This module will be taught by Director of Orama's SFS, Dean McQuoid.

  • Module 6
    14-18 April: Fraser and Dale Hardy

    “We are at war. Not with a foreign government or domestic terrorists or a creepy new artificial intelligence hell-bent on taking over the world. No, it’s a war we feel deep inside our own chests: we are at war with lies… the choice is not whether to fight or not fight, but whether we win or surrender.” (John Mark Comer - ‘Live No Lies’).

    The bible makes it clear - the battle is real and the weapons we’ve been given to fight with are spiritual, and they come in the form of Spiritual Gifts, we ignore these at our peril.
    We’re stoked to have Fraser and Dale take us through what it means to engage in Spiritual Battle and to function in Spiritual Gifts.

  • Module 7
    21-25 April: Treena Salthouse & Johanna McQuoid

    What is the Prophetic? Does God want to speak to us and through us? How do we hear God’s voice? We will explore the importance of the Prophetic gifts and their role in our world today and in our own personal lives.

    We’re excited to have Treena Salthouse and Johanna McQuoid come and help us explore what it means to hear the voice of God, and then know what to do with what we hear.

  • Module 8
    28 April-2 May: Dr. Alistair Reese & Bradford Haami

    God has been at work in our nation. Come and hear how Jesus has been weaving Himself through the history of this nation and into today.

    We are privileged to have Dr. Alistair Reese, along with Bradford Haami take us through ‘The story of God in Aotearoa’. 

  • Module 9
    5-9th May: Graeme Carle

    The story of Israel is fascinating. As Christians we spiritually whakapapa back to Israel, but as Christians do we truly understand God’s purpose for this nation? As ancient Israel, and in its current form as the state of Israel? Does it still have a part to play in God’s plans?

    We are privileged to have Graeme Carle come and bring his perspective on the fascinating story of Israel, and to help us understand the importance of good biblical hermeneutics and exegesis when it comes to understand end times.

  • Module 10
    12-16 May: Matt Lilly

    This was one of the aspects of the curriculum that I felt needed strengthening. I personally feel this is one of the most important week’s in the school calendar, as it seeks to answer the question; ‘how do we practically live in and out of Christ, right here, right now? What does that look like in 2025?’

    We are stoked and privileged to have Matt Lilly come and help us unpack those big and critically important questions, and see that practical truth established in us.

  • Module 11
    19-23 May: Andrew Robertson

    The Apostle Paul said, “the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” Is it possible for you to move in the miraculous power today? If so, how?

    We are privileged to have Andrew Robertson come and help us explore the supernatural.

  • Module 12
    26-30 May: Dr. Steve Kumar

    The need for apologetics has never been greater in our pluralistic and secularized culture. The confusion is systemic, and apologetics can be a great tool for providing some much-needed clarity.

    So prepare well, and “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).

    We are absolutely privileged to have Dr. Steve Kumar take our ‘Apologetics’ module this year.

Can’t attend the full school?
Register for a module (onsite or zoom) >

Why choose Orama’s Spiritual Formation School?

Orama is a Christian community, established back in ‘62’ and still going strong. As an integral part of the three month journey, the students are invited to step in to our established daily-weekly rhythms of prayer, worship, discipleship, and collective work, set in the backdrop of the stunningly beautiful Waikaraka, or Karaka Bay on Aotea/Great Barrier Island.

We believe, that simply choosing to enter into the rhythms of Grace alone can be transformative in Christ. However, we believe it’s time to add a layer of intentional discipleship and spiritual formation. Students are encouraged to dialogue, process, grapple, and help land what they are hearing and learning in the classroom through community life.

Orama hosts Aotearoa’s most gifted teachers, who carry what God has been laying on their hearts, to share and input into the Body of Christ. We are privileged to be mining such rich spiritual truth—truth that has often come at a cost.

We see God at work in the everyday, in the mundane, and the extraordinary, our common places of work become tabernacles, as conversations are had, lives are shared, prayers are uttered and lives are changed.

  • Our classroom

    Our classroom

    The lecture room is key and precious—a place where our teachers pass on their passion, heart, experience and love for the Lord.

  • Planted in the soil of christian community

    Planted in the soil of christian community

    Embedding our discipleship school in an established Christian community in a breathtaking natural environment, is the special sauce and our key point of differentiation.

  • The unique beauty of Waikaraka

    The unique beauty of Waikaraka

    Our location provides the perfect opportunity to step aside and into the beauty of God’s creation. Process and discover restorative rest in our bush + beach walks, water activities and fishing.

  • Process creatively

    Process creatively

    Our Woolshed Art Studio provides students with the opportunity to process learnings through various creative forms, in guided workshops.

Meet our gifted teachers

Strahan Coleman

Strahan Coleman is an award-winning musician, poet, author, and spiritual director from Aotearoa, New Zealand. He is the founder of Commoners Communion, a space for exploring deepness with God through spiritual retreats, a podcast and online prayer schools. He has written three volumes of poetic-prayer books that invite readers into a more honest, close and loving prayerful life with God.

In 2023 Strahan shared his story of chronic illness and moving from a working relationship with God to a friendship in Beholding: Deepening Our Experience in God.

His new book Thirsting: Quenching Our Soul’s Deepest Desire is his follow up invitation to the rich life of communion explored in Beholding. Out October 1st, 2024.

He currently lives in Tairua, Coromandel with his wife Katie and three sons Mikal, Theo and Finley where he is finishing his first nonfiction book on learning to behold and be beheld by God. We are stoked and privileged to have Strahan and Jacinda explore Spiritual Formation with us.

Quick video introduction from Strahan

Dr. Steve Kumar

Dr. Steve Kumar, Lecturer, Author & International Speaker, has been speaking and writing on Faith and Philosophy for over twenty-five years. As a prominent New Zealand Christian Philosopher, he is gifted in presenting the relevance of Faith in Postmodern World. Following Socrates axiom "The unexamined life is not worth living.” He believes Faith must come with Reason, Knowledge with Wisdom, Science with Value, Business with Ethics and Education with Character.

Dr Kumar has been a guest lecturer at more than twelve colleges and is regularly invited to speak at other campuses, conferences, throughout New Zealand, Canada, Australia, South East Asia, Europe and the USA.

He regularly lectures on World Views, Logic & Creative Thinking, and Philosophical Theology. We are absolutely privileged to have Steve take our Apologetics module this year.

Matt & Jacinda Lilly

Matt & Jacinda planted a church 9 years ago from scratch which is now a 700 member , multi-generational and strong community.

They have lead 3 church plants - Current church plant Coast Vineyard on the Hibiscus Coast, involved in church leadership in the UK and California for 5 years. They have been married for 32 years, have 3 adult daughters that are following Jesus.

As well as an incredible teacher in her own right, Jacinda is also a Spiritual Director and passionate about all things ‘Spiritual Formation’. We are privileged to have this gifted team on board. Matt will be helping us unpack the big and critical questions of; ‘how do we practically live in and out of Christ right here, right now, in the Christian Living module; and Jacinda will be joining Strahan to help us establish spiritual rhythms as part of the Prayer and Devotional Life module.

Geoff Woodcock

Geoff is the author of the One with Christ devotional series that helps people to step into their identity in Christ through covenant love and intimacy with God. He serves the body of Christ in restoring a vision to make the new command of loving one another our highest priority.

He travels locally and internationally, encouraging believers to experience what it means to love one another in a small group framework. He is also the founder and director of—a charity that redeems people from bonded labour slavery into a life in design. He is married to Melanie and has four children and is presently living in Dunedin.

Geoff, along with Francoise Plummer, will be taking us through what I believe to be one of the most critical topics of our day - Identity.

Dean (Ngāti Kuri, Te Rarawa) & Jo McQuoid

Dean and Jo are passionate believers, who love to serve prophetically through worship and the arts. They fell in love leading worship together 28 years ago, and have continued to serve through itinerant ministry nationally, internationally, and in their local church.

They have been a part of the Christian band scene, church leadership, worship directing, prophetic art, recording projects, evangelistic outreach, both internationally and throughout Aotearoa, and recently they released their first full-length album ‘The Strength of Stones’

At Orama, Dean is the Spiritual Formation School director. Jo is our Event Manager and focus on all things fun! She’s also spearheading the development of the arts, with a particular focus on the establishment of the Woolshed art studio. Jo, along with Treena, will be taking us through our Prophetic week. Dean will be exploring the Spiritual Resilience with us.

Dr. Alistair Reese

Alistair lives with his wife Jeannie on a farm in Paengaroa, Bay of Plenty. He has postgraduate degrees in Theology, History and Tikanga Māori. 

His PhD in theology from the University of Auckland focused on reconciliation and Pākehā identity. Alistair is involved in local and national efforts to promote reconciliation between Māori and Pākehā and exploring understandings of what an indigenous form of Christianity might look like.

We are privileged to have Alistair, along with Bradford Haami take us through The story of God in Aotearoa

Bradford Haami (Ngāti Awa)

Bradford Haami is a lecturer in biculturalism at Laidlaw College and holds a Graduate Diploma in Indigenous Theology. 

He has preached and taught on biculturalism and reconciliation at churches and faith communities throughout Aotearoa. He has led Māori intercession teams to Mongolia, the Pacific and Israel since 2015. Brad is an accomplished author, journalist and lecturer with added experience in film and television media.

He has also written for critically acclaimed television productions and has acted as a consultant to numerous local and international drama, documentary and feature films. His most recent involvement with the cinema film Mahana. He has also consulted as a Māori knowledge expert for churches, organisations and museums.

We are privileged to have Bradford, along with Dr. Alistair Reese take us through The story of God in Aotearoa

Francoise Plummer

Frans was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa in 1972, and was then born again in 1995! Frans is a son of God, and a husband, and a father of four children, and owner of 3 dogs. Frans and his wife, Katie, brought their family to live in New Zealand in 2007, and after much travelling around the country are settled on country land in Te Arai just outside Wellsford. They have lived with much and with little. and have only known God to be 100% with them and completely faithful to keep ALL that He promises. Frans loves anything to do with water, but surfing is a firm favourite clear-my-head activity :)

Francoise, along with Geoff Woodcock, will be taking us through what we believe to be one of the most critical topics of our day - Identity.

Quick video introduction from Francoise

Fraser & Dale Hardy

Fraser & Dale Hardy are currently leading the LinkNZ network of churches. They were the founding leaders of Te Rautini and are still based in Kirikiriroa (Hamilton).

Fraser & Dale and their team provide leadership, support, encouragement, accountability and wisdom to Te Rautini and the wider LinkNZ community of churches.

Fraser and Dale are the real deal. They bring to the table a weighty depth of insight, a beautiful rich authenticity and a hard-earned wisdom, established through decades of following Jesus in international mission, church planting, senior church leadership, and Apostolic church leadership through LinkNZ.

We’re so excited to have Fraser and Dale take us through what it means to engage in Spiritual Battle and to function in Spiritual Gifts.

Graeme Carle

Graeme was a devout atheist and evolutionist until in 1973, he had an encounter with Jesus and became a follower. His faith and skill in apologetics were developed on the streets of Christchurch during the Jesus Revolution - confronted by the multitude of ideas and beliefs held by sects, cults, and orthodox churches, he focussed on how to hear God and understanding the Scriptures.

Since then Graeme has worked with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) equipping international missionaries to work amongst indigenous peoples in the 10/40 Window, especially in the newly independent republics of the old USSR, been a Baptist Pastor, an itinerant lecturer and author of several books specialising on Israel, typology, the New Testament church, and end-times.

We are privileged to have Graeme come and help us explore the fascinating story of Israel, and whether the nation still has a part to play in the current and future plans of God, as part of our Israel Today & Understanding the Old Testament module.

Treena Salthouse

Her passion is to see people succeed and to help them step into all that God created them to be, through hearing the voice of God and the creative process. Treena brings a kingdom perspective to creativity, dream interpretation, and developing a prophetic lifestyle.

Treena has run and helped facilitate a number of creative, prophetic, and well-being workshops throughout New Zealand and Australia and was one of the founders of Be You Charitable Trust.  At Orama, Treena is the General Manager and draws on her many years in leadership in the not-for-profit and business sectors. 

Treena along with Jo McQuoid will be teaching on the Prophetic. These sessions will be interactive, and hands-on where you will learn to recognise and respond to the voice of God.

Andrew Robertson

Andrew Robertson has Pastored in Auckland City NZ for over 20 years and is the Pastor of World Harvest Church on the North Shore of Auckland, is married to Joanne with four Adult Children. Alongside the Ministry Andrew has owned and operated cafes and a catering business in Auckland from 1996 until 2018. Surf N Turf Tacos Hawaii was started in 2012.

Andrew operates in a strong Gift of Faith with a healing and Deliverance anointing and has traveled to over twenty nations to share the Gospel. Since 2022 the travelling Ministry has become more extensive with many receiving notable miracles and many Souls being won for the Lord through the Ministry.

We’re privileged to have Andrew come and take us through the Healing and Miracles journey.

Accommodation & Pricing

Accommodation and meals are included with your tuition cost. The cost is $10,044 for the full 3-month school, or $837 per module (onsite).

We are committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate, regardless of financial constraints. If your current financial situation makes it challenging to cover the full cost, we invite you to apply for our "pay what you can" option, which is made possible by our generous sponsors.

We offer two options for your accommodation:

Lodge Rooms

The lodge provides a mix of double, queen, and single rooms. These rooms have shared facilities inside the lodge. Centrally located, there is direct access via a hallway to lodge lounge, and classroom.

A well-equipped guest kitchen, showers, toilets & a large sea-facing lounge area with a wood burner fireplace and couches.


Our cabins are dotted up the hillside and face west, giving uninterrupted views of the bay and the islands beyond. The view from the top-most cabins is the best for sunset viewing.

These cabins have been refurbished and are ideal for those desiring a measure of independence and privacy.  Cabins share a verandah and are closely located to shared bathrooms.

Can’t attend the full school?
Register for a module (onsite or zoom) >