Kirstie Mackey

Orama Christian Trust - Chair

I have had the privilege of spending chunks of time during my childhood, my teenagehood, and my adulthood at Orama. 

I was a free-range Orama kid from 1977-1981, spent another three years as a teen from 1985-1987, and came back as an adult for 5 months with my teenage son in 2019. 

Each time I have felt a deep connection to the place, the people, and to God. 

Orama is a place that allows silence and contemplation, connection with nature, deep friendships with the people you end up isolated in the valley with, and huge personal growth through its challenges, opportunities and difficulties. 

I have seen in my own life, my son's life and in the lives of those around me each time, changes that are real and that last, and I have a deep appreciation for the power of working and living together in community. 

Orama is a place of seasons, arrivals and departures, but always the constant is God and His loving kindness. 

It's an honour to be working once again for and with this unique and beautiful place and it's people, to see more lives transformed.