Farewell to the Dyck Family

After five years at Orama Kimberley and Andrew made the difficult decision to leave and go back to Canada. They have been real rocks at Orama and we will miss them terribly. Over this time we have built a deep relationship with Kimberley and Andrew and their kids Evelyn, Olin and more recently baby Emmet. We shared a lovely last morning tea with them as is our tradition when people leave each person had a chance to speak. There were some lovely words said and quite a few tears shed. After singing the blessing song we then saw them off at the bridge. We very much hope they will be back again for another stint in the future.

Arnie organised a very special farewell gift for the Dyck family. Arnie traveled especially to Te Kauwhata to purchase a beautifully carved waka. He originally went for some pounamu but in the end it was the waka that really spoke to him. The waka was presented by Arnie on behalf of the whole community to the family at a touching ceremony in the Orama dining room, Opo and Hope spoke on behalf of Kawa and Motairehe marae's about their deep respect and love for Kimberley and Andrew and all they have offered to the wider barrier community, A beautiful waiata was sung - lead by Elaine Ngawaka, Hine, Brian Reed and his wife Lurlene.


Fatherheart INS Ministries


Visit from Fae Pratney