Be Brave - step out - follow Gods path
Trust - Seek - Lean on God in all areas of your life maybe very hard at times and sometimes we need to be reminded God knows what is best for us even if we don't understand or see it. I know at times I have found this hard.
There are times when I feel I am are in a tug of war, my will, and understanding at one end and God’s plan, which doesn't make sense in the natural at the other end. I can feel the pull, the pain and the stretching as this battle goes on. It's not easy but I know deep down God knows best and has the full blueprint of my life when I only have snippets. So as I get stretched and shaped, I focus on God’s word, take every thought captive, and know I am becoming stronger.....
By letting God guide and shape me...
and by...
Being Brave - stepping out - following God’s path
Seek GOD and HIS guidance for all things, including the plans He has for your life, Trust Him and His timing with all areas of your life, for He knows what's BEST for YOU! Don't lean onto your own understanding, because it will only lead you astray, but TRUST, SEEK and LEAN on God's guidance and understanding and He will make your ways straight!
Treena Salthouse ❤️